Life Hacks to Follow if You Have Hard Water
Most Americans have experienced the effects of hard water one way or another. Although not everyone has the same GPG or TDS level of hardness in their household, more than 80% of homes do have hard water to a certain extent.
With these simple life hacks, you will be able to rid yourself of all those nasty hard water stains – and even prevent them in the first place with some of these tricks. Without further ado, let’s get going and see how you can remove existing limescale, and then we’ll focus on how to prevent it altogether in the future.
Hard Water Life Hacks Briefing
You might want to contact your local municipality or the water company directly to find out what exact level of hardness your water has. Otherwise, you can purchase a TDS kit to measure the exact amount of total dissolved solids in your water supply.
Why do this when you’ve already seen the telltale signs of hard water? Because it gives you a good indication of how bad your situation is. For example, moderately hard water might not leave nearly as much limescale on fixtures but it can trigger the effects of dermatitis in people who suffer from this skin condition.
Hard Water Life Hacks for Dishes and Glasses
If you want to have clean dishes without having to deal with pesky film or those distasteful white stains, you should consider getting detergent that’s specifically formulated to fight against the effects of hard water. To top it all off, purchase quality rinse aid agent to further enhance the results.
For even better effects, we also recommend either washing dishes by hand or cleaning your dishwasher on a regular basis – more specifically, once a month. It is best to consult your dishwasher’s manual to see how to clean each individual piece for maximum results. However, if you don’t want to bother with the manual for some reason, here is the basic rundown:
- Remove the filter, the attachments, and the silverware basket;
- Gently scrub the areas affected by food with a clean toothbrush dipped in warm water and soap;
- Fill a cup with white vinegar, set it on the top rack of the dishwasher, and run a regular wash cycle using hot water;
- After the cycle is over, sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and run a regular cycle one more time;
- Finally, put the filter, attachments, and basket back where they belong.
Hard Water Life Hacks For the Bathroom
Since this is the place where you’ll inevitably use the most water, there are bound to be a plethora of hard water stains and limescale deposits here.
The good news is that removing those stains isn’t complicated at all. As far as ingredients go, all you’ll need are things that you most likely already have lying somewhere around the house – namely white vinegar, a spray bottle, and a cloth.
Here’s what you’ll need to do first: create a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and fresh water and pour it inside a spray bottle. Spray surfaces liberally and let the vinegar solution sit for at least 15 minutes. Wipe clean with a clean, dry microfiber towel.
For extra hard limescale deposits, you can try adding equal parts white vinegar and baking soda. Mix them together until they form a paste and spread them over the affected surfaces. Let the solution sit for about 15 minutes and wipe away with a clean microfiber cloth.

Solution For Faucets and Showerheads
We’ll start with the showerhead since all you need is a small plastic bag half full of white vinegar. Use a rubber hand or anything similar to tie the bag around the showerhead and leave it in place for an hour or two.
Alternatively, you can unscrew the showerhead and place it in a bowl filled with white vinegar. Whichever method you’ve chosen, you’ll have to take out a toothbrush afterwards and scrub all the limescale away with it. Afterward, take a needle and poke each one of the showerhead's holes so that you'll get the last bit of limescale out.
As for faucets, the solution consists of dipping a clean rag or cloth into a solution of vinegar and then wrapping it around the tap, especially focusing on areas where limescale and white spots are visible. Let it sit for a few hours, just as you would for the bag and showerhead. Afterwards, do the same as you’d do with that – namely, take a toothbrush or clean cloth and wipe away all the remaining limescale.
Note that you can rinse afterwards with some fresh water to get rid of the vinegar smell. You might also want to leave the window open for a few hours; cause we all know that vinegar smell can persist.
Finally, for the toilet bowl you can pour one and a half cups of vinegar, leave it there for a few minutes, and then use the toilet brush to scrub the hard mineral deposits away. Afterwards, just flush the toilet as you would normally do after doing your business. optionally, you can also search for toilet fresheners with hard water-fighting properties.
Hard Water Life Hacks For Other Affected Areas
Sinks, tubs, glass shower walls, and doors are all common places for mineral deposits to collect. Sure, those aren’t nearly as problematic as a limescale clogging your showerhead or pipes clogged by limescale.
However, leave the limescale to thicken and it will slowly turn to a yellow-ish color that’ll make those surfaces look as if someone “did their business” on them, if you catch our drift. Fortunately, if the deposits are still low, you can remove them without a lot of elbow grease. Just create a formula of half white vinegar and half water like we mentioned earlier in the article. The solution can be mixed in a spray bottle and sprayed directly onto the affected area. Once it has set in, just scrub it away with a clean, soft cloth or a sponge and then rinse with fresh water.
How to Prevent Future Hard Water Problems
Many people have been using salt-based water softeners until recently to get rid of hard water and all the problems it causes. However, a salt-based water softener causes other problems that were not present before.
In short, it puts sodium in your drinking water, which increases your heart rate, blocks plants from getting their much-needed nutrients, and greatly affects people with certain health conditions.
Furthermore, a salt-based softener completely removes beneficial minerals from your water, so you will also get less calcium and magnesium in your daily diet. And lest we forget, your septic system might also be affected by it. Overall, it’s not a great solution for the environment, and it’s no wonder several states and counties have either banned them completely or heavily regulated their use.
Given this context, it’s clear that you’ll be far better off looking for salt-free alternatives. However, not all alternatives are versatile enough to fulfill each person’s needs. That’s why we have strived to create something so easy to install and use that even your grandma could benefit from it without any outside help.
Introducing the Yarna Water Descaler
What makes our water descaler special is its ability to soften your water without taking out the beneficial minerals or adding in sodium and other potentially dangerous chemicals.
It uses capacitive electromagnetic signals that are regulated by an internal CPU and transmitted through the two ultra-wide flat bands. The bands then transmit the signals further inside the water pipe (regardless of the material it’s made out of) and actively reshape the calcium and magnesium crystals.
In short, it smoothens out the mineral particles to prevent them from sticking to surfaces. This way, you’ll still get the benefits of drinking hard water but without the negative parts such as dermatitis or hair loss caused by bathing in it. All of these benefits only require a bit of electricity and nothing more.
Reasons to Get the Yarna Descaler
There are plenty of other benefits that the Yarna water descaler offers. Not only does it soften your water without sodium or chemicals while only requiring a bit of electricity, but it’s also easy to install. No plumbing skills or special tools needed whatsoever.
All you need comes inside the box. And to make the deal even sweeter, we’re offering a full one-year money-back guarantee so you will have more than enough time to test it out. Note that in some cases it’s possible to only notice its effects after three months of continuous use if your water is truly hard. But you won’t have to worry thanks to this guarantee.
Also, we’re offering a full ten-year warranty to anyone who registers their descaler on our website. So get yours today and enjoy all these benefits at a highly affordable price compared to traditional salt-based water softeners!
How to Install the Yarna Water Descaler
Unlike a traditional salt-based water softener, our descalers are made with ease of use and convenience in mind. You won't need any specialized tools and you won't need to modify your plumbing in any way, shape, or form.
The installation process is as simple as it gets and you will be able to do it yourself in just about 15 minutes as long as you pay attention to the instructions found in the manual that comes inside the box.
However, if you prefer, you can watch the following clip to see how to install it with a live demonstration:
Also, you you want to know something even better? Our entire descaler lineup requires absolutely no maintenance whatsoever. As long as it's connected to a working power source, it will do its job without any hassle. You can check out our entire lineup of descalers here.
The Bottom Line
Using any of these life hacks will make it much easier for you to manage all the nasty side effects of hard water.
We hope you’ve found these tricks useful and that they were described explicitly enough so that you can apply them with ease.